We are TU/ecomotive

Student team based at the Eindhoven University of Technology that aims at shaping the future of sustainable mobility by implementing the most recent innovations into concept cars.

This is what we stand for


Showcasing possibilities

With the seven cars that we have made in the last 10 years we show the possibilities within the field of sustainable mobility. The cars are a tangible representation of the hard work of a student team with students from 8 different fields. If we can do it, why would a big company not be able to?

Sustainability as our driver

The world has ending resources. We want to apply our sustainable view onto mobility because it is such a big aspect of people’s lives, but also a big aspect of pollution.
We want to reduce the emission of greenhouse gasses by implementing sustainable innovations.

Daring the industry

With TU/ecomotive we want to inspire the bigger companies and dare them to be as innovative as we are. With only 30 students we build a new, innovative car every 1-1.5 year and we want to dare the big companies to achieve the same level of innovativeness. We showcase the possibilities on a relatively small scale so the industry is dared to implement the innovations on a bigger scale.

Inspiration to others

With TU/ecomotive we want to show the industry as well as the general public what the possibilities are regarding the future of sustainability within the automotive sector. We will reach the public by the use of social media and the website, being present at events and working together with schools. To reach the public, our car would often be used as a showcase of the possibilities that we see as a team.

Growing our movement

We want to make an impact within the industry and on the general public by making them think about the future of sustainable mobility. Together with them, we want to build a movement to generate momentum towards faster sustainable innovations within the automotive industry.
Main goal

Pushing the status quo

Our concept cars are great examples of what investment into the future can look like. Lets change the industry!

World's first modular car
World's first plant based car
World's first waste based car

Our Story


Mobility is an important aspect within our day-to-day lives. With TU/ecomotive, we show that it is possible to make the mobility sector more sustainable by using different materials, different methods and a mindset different from the big mobility industry.

Rotating concepts

With every team, we tackle a different problem regarding sustainable mobility which makes us flexible with what we are working on and it also enables us to keep up with the newest innovations. We are constantly changing but our message stays the same, the future of sustainable mobility is now!

Student Team

We are a student team from the Eindhoven University of Technology that focuses on the future of sustainable mobility. Our team changes with every concept car that we build and currently exists out of 30 students from 8 different studies from the Eindhoven University of Technology as well as Fontys University of Applied Sciences.


To actually build a fully functioning car there is more needed than a great team alone. Luckily there are a lot of companies that have the same vision and are willing to partner up with us to make it all happen. 

View Our Partners

Our Legacy

Car that lasts a lifetime
CO2 Neutrality
Embracing Waste
Sustainable in all life phases
The car that nature would have built
Reduce complexity, add flexibility
Simple. Practical. Efficient.
Shell Eco-marathon
View Our Family

Meet the team

These are the amazing people that work towards a more sustainable future!

Tim van Grinsven

Technical Manager


Martijn Oosterhuis

Project Manager


Eduardo Luna

Business Manager


Sylvia Frints

Marketing & Communication Manager


Imke Goofers

Event Manager


Joris van Abswoude

Sustainable Manager


Maret Clement

Lead Engineer

Tim Pantsers

Lead Engineer

Fleur in 't Zandt

Lead Engineer

Ken Haagh

Mechanical Engineer

Thijs in 't Zandt

Mechanical Engineer

Jurre Soons

Mechanical Engineer

Tiago Xavier

Mechanical Engineer

Jesse van Zante

Mechanical Engineer

Luuk Stijnen

Mechatronics Engineer

Stijn Harks

Software & Electrical Engineer

Brian Ton

Electrical Engineer

Max Schraven

Electrical Engineer

Karlo Bockaj

Lead Design

Arian Ettefaghpour


Abhidyu Dimitrov


Yash Deshmukh


Pictures are made by Astrolads

Want to work on this amazing project with us? Join our movement!